XML Parser Web Application in Python
XML parsing refers to the process of analyzing and extracting data from an XML (Extensible Markup Language) document. XML is a popular format for storing and sharing structured data, such as that used in websites or applications.
To parse an XML document, a program must first load the document into memory and then analyze its structure and content. This typically involves using specialized software, such as an XML parser, to read the document and identify its various elements, such as tags and attributes.
Once the XML document has been parsed, the data it contains can be accessed and manipulated by the program. This may involve extracting specific pieces of information, such as the value of a particular attribute, or it may involve more complex tasks, such as transforming the data into a different format or structure.
There are several different approaches to XML parsing, depending on the specific needs of the application. Some parsers, for example, are designed to work with very large XML documents, while others are optimized for speed or efficiency.
One common approach to XML parsing is known as DOM (Document Object Model) parsing. This involves building an in-memory representation of the XML document as a tree-like structure, with each element in the document represented as a node in the tree. This allows the program to easily navigate and manipulate the data in the XML document.
Another approach is called SAX (Simple API for XML) parsing. Unlike DOM parsing, which loads the entire XML document into memory, SAX parsing reads the document sequentially and processes each element as it is encountered. This can be more efficient for large documents, but it does not allow the program to easily move backwards and forwards in the document.
In addition to these approaches, there are also many different XML parser libraries and tools available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular options include the Xerces parser, the libxml2 library, and the Expat parser.
Overall, XML parsing is an important technique for working with structured data in applications and websites. By using a parser to extract and manipulate the data in an XML document, developers can create more powerful and flexible applications.
Here is a sample web application featuring data uploading and data parsing of XML file containing student details. The application also features Account Registration, Login, Data Analytics like Viewing, Sorting, Filtering, PDF Download, Excel Download and Printing
Project Setup
Step 0: Prerequisites:
Install Python3.7, pip and virtualenv
Install MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.31
Step 1: Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ShahidYousuf/XMLParser.git
Step 2: Create a Python Virtualenv:
If you are using some ide like Pycharm, you may not manually need to install pip and virtualenv or create virtualenv via terminal.
virtualenv -p python3.7 ENV_PY37_XMLParser
Step 3: Change to Project directory of Step 1
cd XMLParser/xmlparser
Step 4: Activate the Virtual Environment of Step 2:
source /path/to/your/virtual_env/bin/activate
Step 5: Install the project requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 6: Create a MySQL database instance and database settings in the project settings.py file:
Step 7: Run project migrations which create database tables/schemas:
python manage.py migrate
Step 8: Run the project:
python manage.py runserver
Step 9: See if you can view the website, default on localhost:8000
The complete code along with the front end and backend can be found in the following github repo: